Here is our response to the Thomson Reuters Legal Europe research that the UK is becoming the ‘destination of choice’ for competition-related class action lawsuits. We are working hard to ensure that the UK justice system is the best in the world for collective redress in the best interests of consumers and their representatives.
Martyn Day the co-president of the Collective Redress Lawyers Association said:
“CORLA welcomes this study acknowledging the huge growth in the value of UK group actions launched in the UK and thus the increase in access to justice these claims have brought. CORLA continues to advocate for improvements for collective redress in the best interests of consumers and their representatives.
“The evolution in the UK legal landscape provides greater access to justice for consumers and businesses and holds companies accountable for anti-competitive and other unlawful behaviour. It also promotes a level playing field for all market participants, encouraging innovation and fair competition. Overall, this will result in a healthier economy for all.”
Published on January 11, 2023 by CORLA