The Collective Redress Lawyers Association (“CORLA”) is dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing access to justice for claimants who have been harmed by wrongful conduct and who are seeking to vindicate their rights on a collective basis.

CORLA believes that group litigation is an effective means of providing claimants with access to justice, but that the current regime and practice is in need of improvement and reform.  CORLA provides a forum to gather together specialist legal practitioners in the field of collective redress in order to advocate for this reform.  It also facilitates dialogue and the sharing of best practice among the broad range of those involved in claimant-side group litigation, including civil society, consumer rights groups, academics and funders.  It will develop training and knowledge sharing in the field of collective redress and will organise specialist events on the issues faced by practitioners.

CORLA has been founded by leading UK law firms specialising in collective redress: Edwin Coe, Hausfeld & Co, Keller Postman UK, Leigh Day, Milberg London, and Pogust Goodhead. CORLA now welcomes applications for membership from other firms, lawyers and others.



Our Founder Firms

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CORLA launches at the Law Society

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Our Objectives

Act as a voice for the industry

Act as a voice for the group litigation industry

Promote best practice

Promote the efficient and ethical conduct of group litigation before the courts in the United Kingdom

Raise Awareness of the Benefits of Collective Redress

Educate the public and inform the legal profession about group litigation

Work with key stakeholders in the industry

Work with key stakeholders on procedural and commercial issues impacting on the conduct of collective redress

UK icon

Promote the UK as a jurisdiction for collective redress

Liaise with similar organisations internationally to promote the United Kingdom as a leading jurisdiction for group litigation